RefactorDoc: Docstring refactor sphinx extension

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The RefactorDoc extension parses the function and class docstrings as they are retrieved by the autodoc extension and refactors the section blocks into sphinx friendly rst. The extension shares similarities with alternatives (such as numpydoc) but aims at reflecting the original form of the docstring.

Key aims of RefactorDoc are:

  • Do not change the order of sections.
  • Allow sphinx directives between (and inside) section blocks.
  • Easier to debug (native support for debugging) and extend (future versions).


The RefactorDoc extension lives at Github. You can clone the repository using:

$ git clone


  1. Install refactordoc from pypi using pip:

    $ pip install reafactordoc
  2. Add refactor-doc to the extensions variable of your sphinx

    extensions = [

Indices and tables