
The are three different parts in the pipeline of refactordoc.

  1. The autodoc event hook and object refactoring dispatch;
  2. The docstring section detection and method dispatching and;
  3. The second component parsing and refactor of the detected sections;

The entry function

The entry function setup is located in the file. Through the setup function refactor doc is loading the autodoc extention and hooks the refactor_docstring() function to the autodoc-process-docstring event.

The refactor_docstring() function receives the list of lines that compose the dostrings and based on the object initializes a new class instance to do the main work. The final item in the process is to execute the parse method of the created class.

The refactoring class

The refactoring classes are responsible for doing the actual work. These classes are derived from the BaseDoc class. After initialization refactoring takes place by executing the parse() method. The method looks for section headers by parsing the lines of the docstring. For each section that is discovered the _refactor() method is called with the name of the discovered section to dispatch processing to the associated refactoring method. The dispatcher constructs the name of the refactoring function by looking up the headers dictionary for a key equal to the header string found. If a key is found then the refactoring method name is composed from the prefix _header_ and the retrieved value. If a key with the header name is not found then the default _refactor_header() is used.

The refactoring methods

Depending on the section the associated method parses and extracts the section definition block using the provided by the BaseDoc class utility methods.

When the definition block is a paragraph the extract_paragraph() will return the paragraph for further processing. When the definition block is a list of definition items. These items are parsed and extracted (i.e removed from the docstring) with the help of the extract_items() and a DefintionItem (or a subclass). The list of items that is returned holds all the information to produce a sequence of sphinx friendly rst.

After collecting the information in the section the refactoring method is ready to produce the updated rst and return a list of lines to the dispatching method so that they can be re-inserted in the docstring.