Building your own suite

While the default refactoring suite is enough for most cases. The user might need to extent the section repertoire, process other object types, allow more freedom in defining the definition list or restrict the docstring style to improve consinstancy through his code.


All the methods below require to change the refactordoc code and even thought the changes might be small it is not considered the best way since updating refactordoc becomes non-trivial. Future version will remove this shortcoming.

Adding sections

New sections to be refactored can be simply added to the headers dictionary when an appropriate refactoring method exists. For example in the default suite that is shipped with refactordoc the FunctionDoc class sets the Returns Raises and Yields section to use the _refactor_as_item_list method in the class:

if headers is None:
    headers = {'Returns': 'as_item_list', 'Arguments': 'arguments',
               'Parameters': 'arguments', 'Raises': 'as_item_list',
               'Yields': 'as_item_list', 'Notes':'notes'}

When such a method does not

exist then the user has to augment the related class with that will parse and extract the section definition block(s) and return the refactored lines as a list of strings to replace the section in the docstring. The signature of the method should be _header_<name>(self, header)

Where <name> is the value in the headers that corresponds to the header string that is found in the docstring.


More to come